4 Steps to Success on Fridays

① Attend Friday Prayer with Conviction

It is the command of Allah ﷻ (Al-Quran 62:9). Be in the company of the angels (Sahih al-Bukhari & Muslim).

② Find Meaning & Inspire

Despite the quality of the khutbah, listen and find meaning to improve yourself. If you are the Khateeb, inspire your community to change.

③ Continuously Develop & Improve

The best day on which the sun rises is Friday (Muslim). Let it be the start of your week of reflection, self-accounting, planning and applying Islam in your life as per the Prophet ﷺ.

④ Seek Reward from Allah ﷻ

Expiation for sins committed from Friday to Friday (Sahih al-Bukhari & Muslim). For every step you take, the reward of fasting and praying qiyaam for one year will be recorded for you (Sahih al-Tirmidhi & Al-Sunan al-Kubra).

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Do You Converse With Allah?